Connecting Google AdSense to your website is easy, but learning the requirements is a bit difficult when you are new to learning web development. So, do you want to make money from Google Adsense, and have you lost the solution to link your website or apply for Google Adsense? If your answer is yes, you are reading the most accurate article or post, and I will tell you the easiest way to accept AdSense and what you need. to check before ordering or applying.
After the article or post, I will explain how to get a bank to connect to your website if you live in a country like ours, Somalia, where you cannot apply for Google Adsense.
Before submitting the terms and conditions to someone who doesn’t know or understand Google Adsense.
What is Google Adsense?

Simply put, Google Adsnece means that you are paid to advertise a company’s products on your website, or I should say that you get paid for advertising that comes to your website, which is automatically submitted to Google by placing the advertisement where you want on your website, such as between posts and pages.
So now that we understand the requirements, I will summarize for you only three steps.
Step One
We are going to divide it into two parts.
- Consider what to post on your website: Think about what to post or write on your website.
- Design and develop your website: then create the complete website according to the design and style of the client.
1. Consider what to post on your website
Consider what to post or write on your website. You should first consider what you are going to post on your website. Because it helps you identify a market niche.
Finding a niche is the process of entering a market or providing a solution to a certain audience. As a result, you should consider what you are posting to the website, such as articles about business, politics, or guiding people, whether it is love, ways to work online, and so on.
2. Design and Develop Your Website

Once you have thought about what to write on your website, you move on to creating a website where you will write these articles.
If you know how to make a website, you can create it. If you don’t know and want it done for you, you can contact me here. The quality of the website is not a big deal if you have passed the first point. Now you are preparing to create and develop the website.
The things you need to improve are the speed, design, and the quality of the images you upload.
They participate in the Google Adsense application process as a result. For instance, if you build your website with a lot of graphics and photos.
Many users who encounter this scenario receive a notification indicating that your website is “high content full” which indicates that it contains a lot of heavy design.
A website is considered user-friendly if its design allows the user to navigate around it with ease and grasp it right away. If you are creating it yourself, make an effort to design well and specify to the person building it what kind of design you would like, including branding, color scheme, and typeface. Thus, your website should always be set up following the above-given guidelines.
Step Two: Add Your Website to at Least 15 Posts
When you want to apply for Google AdSense, it is important or mandatory to include your website posts or articles.
It is the first thing that Google looks at if your website is not there, and it writes or returns the message “low content value” which means your information is very low.
So if you want to be accepted, you have to put in posts or articles. If you need to know how to write a post or blog article, read the article here.
So to be accepted by Google Adsense, you must put at least 15 to 20 articles on your website. The more posts or articles you have, the more chances you have of being accepted by Google Adsense.
The articles you publish must be human text and are written by you. If you post your website with AI (artificial intelligence), Google will lower your website.
Whenever you try to write human text articles, and also if you own them and don’t copy them from anyone else, this is important because otherwise, you will fall under the copyright law.
Step Three: Apply for Google AdSense
When you pass this point or phase, you will go to the final step, which is to apply for Google AdSense. Now, apply for Google AdSense using the correct address and bank if you don’t have these, read till the end of the article.
So, many people make the error of not knowing while applying for Google Adsense. Never attempt to update or change anything on your website after applying for AdSense. You should wait 3 to 4 weeks for a Google Adsense response.
If it does not accept it, read the information on it, update or add it to your website, and then run the Google Adsense application again.
How To Get An Address For Google Adsense
As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, you can ask friends or family who are eligible to apply for AdSense for their right address to obtain a bank or an address to link to your website. You can now apply for Adsense more easily as a result.
You won’t get any problems linking someone’s address because all you need is the right address. To link to someone, simply ask for their name, address, zip code, state and city, and any other information you require. I suppose it is.
If you find it, you can apply, or you can go with someone who knows how to apply to apply for you.
So what comes to mind when you are instructed to place an order using someone’s address? Alternatively, you may be wondering if connecting to his bank will prevent you from receiving the money. The short answer is no. Your Google Adsense account has a unique email address and password, which is why I am telling you this.
The money won’t be released from your Google Adsense account unless you transfer it to the bank where you wish to make a withdrawal. Regarding the address you will use to link to your website, don’t worry.
As I previously stated, if you follow the instructions correctly, applying for Google Adsense is simple. To put it briefly, all you have to do is:
- Consider the message you want to get over on your website.
- To fulfill the requirements, create a website where you wish to post your content.
- Write about what you know and publish a piece or posts—at least fifteen to twenty—because it will make it easier for you to write more.
- Register for a working address to apply for Google AdSense. Ask and apply for Google AdSense if you have friends or relatives living overseas.
I’m confident you’ll get accepted if you follow through with that, but don’t be lazy and keep trying—repeat your website, add new articles, and update existing ones even if you get turned down.
However, you should never attempt to copy and paste content onto your website because Google will detect this as plagiarism and will take legal action against the original author. Make an effort to write your content.
[…] Hadaad rabto inaad barato ama ogaato shuuradaha lagaaga baahan yahay markaad rabtid inaad ku xidhatid website-kaaga Google Adsense, halakan ka akhriso. […]